648 Orchard Street   
Monroe, Oregon 97456

Phone: (541) 745-8759   
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Food Pantry hours
Tues & Thursday 10-noon
Except for the 3rd thursday 4-6pm
Office hours M-F 9 – 4pm

The South Benton Food Pantry is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the South Benton County community.

Located in Monroe, Oregon, the buildings include three spaces: the South Benton Food Pantry itself, which provides emergency food and resources to those in need; the Kepi Nak Nak Commons, a versatile room and kitchen used for various events and community meals; and Heritage Hall, a former church sanctuary for social events.

The South Benton Food Pantry strives to combat food insecurity, connect residents with support services, and foster a stronger sense of community in South Benton County.



On the first Saturday of each month there is a community Saturday morning breakfast in the dining room of Heritage Hall from 8am to 10am.  

Breakfast is served restaurant style which means that guests are greeted and invited to sit at tables where there are menus, and they are waited upon by table servers. 

Guests may choose from a variety of freshly cooked hot breakfast food offerings and meals will be delivered to them at their tables.  To go orders are also be available.

Spread the word, and let’s gather for good food and great company! 🧡

MARCH 2025

Programs and groups working with children and teens: a Mini Seed-Starting Kit with supplies for starting seeds with up to 15 children or teens, including Oregon grown seeds (romaine lettuce, sunflowers and summer squash)

Sign-up here to join and get free seeds for Individuals, Households and Group Leaders.

This year while supplies last, Oregonians who sign up and request seeds will be mailed seeds free of charge:

Households: sunflower, lettuce and pea pod Oregon farmer-grown seeds!

Teachers (Pre-K through high school): a Classroom Seed-Starting Kit with supplies for up to 30 students, including Oregon grown seeds (romaine lettuce, sunflowers and summer squash).


Bluebird Hill Cellar’s
2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off

At the South Benton Food Pantry’s Kepi-Nak-Nak Commons.
March 22nd, Noon – 5 PM


1st:   $60 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise
2nd:  $30 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise
3rd:  $15 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise


For many children, the weekend can be a time of fun and relaxation. But for some, it can also mean facing food insecurity. That’s where the SNACK PACK PROGRAM steps in, providing a vital lifeline to students at Monroe Grade School. 

Since 2021, the Snack Pack program has been quietly working to ensure that children at Monroe Grade School have access to food over the weekend. As of February 2025, we are providing Snack Packs to about 87 children.

“Rising food costs have made this one of our more expensive programs,” explains Janeece Cook, SBFP Executive Director. “But we know how important it is to address weekend hunger, and we’re committed to continuing this vital service.”


Once a month, South Benton Food Pantry partners with OSU extension services. They bring us recipes, conduct tastings, and offer bilingual services.

Food Hero’s mission is to help low-income Oregonians improve their health by increasing their consumption of fruits and vegetables.  

Some of the things you can get from Food Hero include:


We’re gearing up for the year, serving our community with delicious meals, and we need YOUR help to make it happen! Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or looking to get involved for the first time, we’d love for you to join us.

How You Can Help:
The South Benton Food Pantry welcomes donations and volunteers to support our Food Pantry and other services. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit southbentonfoodpantry.org or contact us at 541-745-8759 or volunteers@southbentonfoodpantry.org.

Your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of local children.


Weekly Class Offering at Heritage Hall
Gentle Movement & Mindful Meditation

Start your morning off with positive vibes with a dose of gentle movement and meditation. A great way to take time out for self-care, strengthening our mind-body connection. Thursdays, $5 Per class Contact – Judy Stubbs 530-219-4098 

Heritage Hall, Kepi Nak-Nak Commons
648 Orchard St, Monroe, OR

Executive Director, Janeece Cook Honored at Benton County Foundation 

2024 Philanthropic Achievement Awards
The Benton Community Foundation’s Philanthropic Achievement Awards brings together nonprofit leaders, business leaders, and community members to recognize outstanding achievements in philanthropy in Benton County.

Benton County Foundation supports the collaboration of South Benton Food Pantry and local non-profits through training and networking.



The South Benton Food Pantry is sharing important recall notices for products that may have been distributed in Oregon and Washington through various stores.

We share these recalls to ensure our community’s health and safety. Please check your shelves, freezers, and pet supplies. Let us know if you have questions!