Saturday March 22nd: 12:00 – 5:00 PM REGISTER
at the South Benton Food Pantry’s Kepi-Nak-Nak Commons
1st: $60 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise
2nd: $30 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise
3rd: $15 in Bluebird Hill Tasting Room Merchandise
(Note: Oregon Liquor Control Commission Laws Specify Contest Prizes Cannot Include Alcohol-Containing Beverages, Such as Wine!).
1. For the purpose of this Chili Cook-Off, Chili is defined as ANY COMBINATION of ground,
chopped, or cubed meats together with spices and seasonings along with tomatoes, onions,
peppers, beans, and liquid such as broth. No other chili association rules apply. Chili can be
with meat (any kind) or vegetarian.
2. Contestants must arrive by 11:30 to be set up by 12:00. Chili must be made by the
entrant and brought to the contest in final, fully-cooked form.
3. All entries need to provide approximately one gallon of their own homemade chili for
general tasting and judging.
4. Entries need to be in slow-cookers/crockpots or provide their own heat otherwise (Sterno
chafing dish, hotplate, etc.).
5. Stovetop, hotplates, microwave etc. will NOT be available to pre-heat cold chili.
6. Entrants must provide a list of all ingredients and be prepared to call out if the chili is
especially spicy hot!
7. Entries must be received by email notification before Monday, March 17th. The number
of entries may be limited, and first-come first-served rules will apply.
8. Organizers will provide tasting cups, spoons, and napkins.
9. Judging is expected to be complete by mid-afternoon. No arguing over results, appeals,
or pouting will be allowed!!